Archives for category: Vegetables

Bruschetta is a great and yummy appetizer or side dish for dinner. I made this homemade bruschetta as a side dish for a pork chop recipe that my cousin and I dug up. It’s very simple and quick! I didn’t get a chance to take pictures this time though unfortunately. I hope it turns out ok for you guys!

Homemade Bruschetta

Ingredients: Hoboken bread, a can of peeled tomatoes, an onion, some garlic, parsley, salt and pepper.

So I started off with dicing the peeled tomatoes. The number of tomatoes you use depends on the amount of people you’re serving or the slices of bread that you toast. I toasted 8 slices, so I ended up using about 6 to 8 of  the tomatoes for my mix. I took half of a medium sized onion and a handful of parsley, and diced them both up very finely and added it to the tomatoes. I then added in a tablespoon of diced garlic and mixed the whole thing together. Once it was evenly mixed, I seasoned it to taste with salt and pepper and tah dah! The mix is finished. Now to the toast. You take 4 (or more) slices of the Hoboken bread and slice them in half. Now you can either bake the bread slices or place them all in the the toaster. I used the toaster  because I was in a rush, but toast the bread until it’s nice and crispy. The bruschetta mix should go on right before you serve it on the table as to avoid getting the bread all soggy. Hope you guys like it!


Hey! So the other day I made stir fry for dinner with beef and vegetables, and it was veryy good if I do say so myself. So I’m just going to give you guys the vegetables that I used, but you’re welcome to change them up for your personal preference. I also made mine with brown rice to put a slightly more healthy streak to it, but again, your preference to what kind of rice you want as well. Hope you like it!

Beef and Vegetable Stir Fry

Ingredients: Beef strips (or chunks), snow peas, baby corn, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, bell pepper, onion, olive oil, soy sauce, salt and pepper.

So the first step to cooking I guess would be the prepping. From the vegetables I picked to use, some of them require a little more chopping (the carrots, the pepper, the mushrooms, the onion, and the broccoli.) The mushrooms are the only thing that I would give advice on is the mushrooms. Everything this else is pretty easy. You can decide how big you want the vegetables to be in your meal. Mushrooms are interesting in the way that you clean them. You can’t really wash mushrooms because that kind of ruins them. So you either have to brush them with a mushroom brush or you can peel the outer layer. It’s a technique I learned in a Japanese restaurant a while ago. You pull the stem out of the mushroom cap, and underneath there should be a little lip underneath which you have to peel all the way to the top of the mushroom. Do that all around the rim until the cap is completely peeled. Then you can just slice it as thin or thick as you want. Now that the prep is all set, we can start the cooking.

Alright so start off, you want to put the rice on first. That’s the thing that’s going to take the most time to cook, so start that off. I would say about two cups of rice will feed about four people. I used brown rice for my recipe, but you’re more than welcome to use white, jasmine, whatever you want. Next we put a little bit of oil in a skillet and place the beef strips in. Toss the beef around until it’s thoroughly brown and cooked through. Season the beef with some salt and pepper to your taste while you’re cooking it. Once the beef is done, throw in all the the vegetables and pour some soy sauce over top of it. Once the vegetables cook and the rice is done, you’re pretty much ready to go. You just take the rice and mix it into the skillet with the beef and vegetables and season it to your liking with salt, pepper and soy sauce. Pretty simple 🙂 Enjoy! Sorry that the pictures are kind of dark haha
